50 Shades of Green


Letter to the CEO of Fonterra, Miles Hurrell

Reading this week about the launch of Fonterra’s ‘Five anchor milks are now carbon zero’, we learned that this product claim would be achieved by gaining off-sets through funding a solar farm in India and a wind farm in New Caledonia.

In our opinion, the embracing of the ETS and the use of off-setting is being used simply as a greenwashing marketing tool and duping New Zealanders who perhaps don’t understand the nuance of offsetting on our country.

Letter to the CEO of Fonterra, Miles Hurrell Read More »

Letter to Environment Select Committee

As the select committee deliberates, recent comments in the media has prompted us at 50 Shades of Green to write again to share the concerns we have for the hill country sector and the proliferation of farms being sold to blanket plant in exotic trees as a means of managing climate change. The comments referred to “the privilege and responsibility of managing the primary sector to carry on operating while the country manages its response to Covid19”.

Letter to Environment Select Committee Read More »

Letter to MPI

I did a back of the envelope calculation on what the potential returns were for me if I planted 100ha of my farm. The result after 25 years was over $3 million in favour of forestry. I would benefit greatly to plant my whole farm. Our staff, and our local school and merchandisers, stock agents, processing plants etc would not.

Letter to MPI Read More »